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(612) 791-8267

Pregnancy & Abortion

At your free medical consultation, you’ll receive

  • Clinical pregnancy test
  • Ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and determine how far along you are
  • Selective STI testing to protect your future reproductive health.


Gentle, sensitive, caring support

We will invest time to listen (no judgment) and understand you, and your goals and desires. We are committed to helping you, concerned about you, and understanding the pressure you are feeling–no judgment on our part.


We are aware of the personal and private nature of pregnancy and abortion decisions and work hard to protect your anonymity, including your digital privacy.


Get a confidential consultation about the types of abortions and all of your pregnancy options. We are committed to you, without judgment.

Call 612 791-8267 to set up your free, confidential meeting, or click to connect via e-mail.

Stylish young woman looking down